It’s Over

26 Dec

Well, the big day is over, now on to the big cleanup around the house. I bet you have trash bags full of crumpled up paper, bows, and packaging. I usually try to save the pretty gift bags and reuse them the next year. Bows are another story, I can’t seem to keep them without being crushed for the next year. Somehow I just don’t think the gift recipient next year will appreciate a crushed bow. Smile


How did your homeschooling efforts fare during the excitement and festivities of Christmas? We trudged through it just fine. My daughter is older, so it isn’t as hard to get her to keep working. She knows that days off just stretch the school year out further. I fondly remember days full of singing Christmas songs, baking, wrapping gifts, visiting friends and going to parties, watching special holiday shows, using an Advent calendar and so much more when she was little. It was harder to keep her focused then.

The new year brings anticipation of new ideas and fun new choices for our homeschool. I always enjoy looking around at different blogs to see what others are using, what ideas they have, and what elementary online curriculum other folks use. We really like the online curriculum we use. It’s engaging for my daughter, meets state and national standards, is portable (goes anywhere you have an Internet connection), and keeps records for me. An eighth grade online curriculum can be fun because there are so many resources available nowadays.

Take a few minutes to share how you made it through the Christmas rush. I really enjoy your comments!


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2 responses to “It’s Over

  1. quaintscribbles

    January 1, 2012 at 9:25 PM

    Kinda fun don’t you think? I believe I have it set to end on or after Jan. 4th. My daughter saw them today and loved them too! Maybe they will offer floating hearts in Feb!! 🙂

  2. Kerry

    January 1, 2012 at 7:28 PM

    Well, how cool! I just saw snowflakes float by as I was reading your post! Isn’t that just the cutest??!! 🙂


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